Restaurant business plan - example and preparation. Detailed business plan for a cafe: example with calculations

Ready-made business plan for a cafe: types of establishments + analysis of the catering sector. How to write a summary of a ready-made business plan? Premises for a cafe and characteristics of services, list of equipment + cost calculation.

Capital expenditures: 1,438,000 rubles.
Payback period: 1.5 years.

Before you get a ready-made cafe business plan, there is a need to figure out what kind of establishment this is, what are its main differences from a restaurant, club and other places.

Understanding the basic concept of this place will lead to an understanding of the stages involved in creating your own cozy corner that everyone will want to visit.

The main difference between a cafe business plan and a restaurant business plan is that a cafe may offer a less wide range of products, sometimes even self-service. Consequently – lower costs and a wider target audience.

But, nevertheless, a cafe should always have a cozy and tidy atmosphere. This can be either a place for a business lunch with a business partner or a place to relax with friends.

1. What types of cafes are there?

To determine the main points of a ready-made cafe business plan, it is important to decide what it should all look like or what it could look like at all?

There are the following types of catering establishments:

    Bistro- a place whose purpose is not an atmosphere for communication and high culinary delights, but the opportunity to come in and have a snack in a short period of time, without waiting half an hour for your dishes.

    But still, nothing prevents you from making its atmosphere more adapted to having a pleasant time outside the home.

    coffee house— the name itself suggests that the main highlight of this place is a warming and aromatic drink, namely coffee.

    But don’t go overboard, remember: a resume is just a short introductory part that gives a general idea of ​​the business. All details will be disclosed in the remaining parts of the business plan for opening a cafe.

    4. Premises for opening a cafe

    The choice of premises depends on several main points. Since we are talking about a catering establishment, you will have to rely on established sanitary standards.

    The development of a ready-made business plan for a cafe should be entirely based on a document such as the “State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standards of the Russian Federation,” namely “SanPiN2.3.6.1079-01.”

    You can familiarize yourself with them in more detail:

    When choosing a room, you should pay special attention to the following points:

    • The placement, as the cafe is located, must be in a suitable place.

      If we are talking about a residential area, then it is worth doing everything so that it does not disturb the surrounding order.

    • The presence of water supply is very important in any activity, but for a catering establishment it is something without which full-fledged work is simply impossible.
    • Possibility of food production and storage.

      Namely, the availability of space to put all the necessary equipment.

    • In addition to a place to install all the equipment, you need to provide a power supply system that will be quite safe.
    • Powerful ventilation so that processes and odors from the kitchen area do not reach the hall where visitors are located.
    • No pests, rodents or insects, as this needs to be taken care of before setting up a cafe.

    For a business plan for an average cafe, you can choose a room with the following parameters:

    Plan for a small roadside cafe

    In addition to renting, you can also think about purchasing premises. There are a number of positive aspects to this decision, such as:

    • Purchasing a property is much more profitable than renting it in the long term.
    • There are no special restrictions regarding repairs.
    • There will be no problems with the owner of the building.
    • There are no unexpected expenses if the market price of rent rises.

    5. Services, products and their characteristics in a business plan

    The average range of products sold in a standard cafe is:

    • first meal;
    • cold and hot snacks;
    • Dessert;
    • drinks (cold and hot).

    This can be not only your own kitchen, but also the sale of semi-finished products, custom-made bakery products, etc.

    In any case, even if we are talking about semi-finished products, the market needs a truly high-quality product. And this means high-quality raw materials, equipment and service.

    The menu depends on the theme of the establishment, but it must be taken into account in the business plan. Obviously, positions will change as the cafe operates. However, it is important to display its main assortment as much as possible.

    If any positions are running out, they are added to the stop list and the waiters are informed. Adjustments are made to the menu only if you decide to give up this dish forever.

    6. Equipment for opening a cafe

    In order to organize production, you need to determine what equipment your cafe needs to be provided with.

    EquipmentCost (in rubles)
    Total:551,000 rubles
    Electric stove
    Coffee machine
    Professional mixer
    Additional equipment (pots, knives, kettles, etc.
    Refrigerator cabinet (possibly several)
    From 180,000 (total)

    In addition to the main working equipment, you will need cutting tables, air conditioners, etc.

    The exact amount depends on what equipment to buy (new or used). But for a room of 25-35 square meters the amount will be from 450,000 rubles.

    In some cases, if we are talking about renting premises that are intended for a catering establishment, some landlords offer the use of their equipment for an additional fee.

    It will cost much less than buying new or used. But if the lease agreement is terminated, you are left with nothing - don’t forget about it.

    7. Staff for opening a cafe

    The most convenient organizational structure will be where the director himself will perform the duties of an administrator. Hiring a large number of employees at first is an extremely unprofitable investment.

    In addition to the administrator you will need:

    Since restaurants are a more complex structure, the chef in them serves as the organizer of the kitchen process. But a chef in a small cafe is a person who, in addition to the main work on his shift, will help in compiling the menu and creating some “specialty” dishes.

    Requirements for personnel are drawn up based on how the entrepreneur sees the future establishment. This can be either secondary specialized education or the presence of a complete secondary education + special courses.

    8. Capital costs and expenses for opening a cafe

    Calculation of capital investments

    Calculation of monthly expenses

    Capital costs can also include expenses for the first 2 months of operation, since, on average, the enterprise will begin to make a profit only from the third month.

    As a result, the cost of opening a cafe from scratch will be 1,438,000 rubles.

    In order for the opening of a cafe to pay for itself in 1.5 years, the profit must be at least 80,000 rubles per month. Taking into account the amount of monthly expenses, the expected revenue will be from 444,000 rubles per month.

    Secrets on how to open a coffee shop from scratch and which one you need to create

    business plan for its implementation, in this video:

    Conclusion about what a ready-made business plan for a cafe consists of

    More detailed calculations and conclusions in order to to create a ready-made business plan for a cafe, can only be done after marketing research has been carried out specifically at the location of the planned opening, as well as taking into account the theme of the establishment.

    As was written earlier, capital costs can be significantly reduced if the equipment is rented along with the premises. Also, in this case, if it was originally intended for a public catering place, it will be possible to save on major repairs and installation of hoods.

    There are also monthly expense items, the amount of which will vary. For example, for a more detailed analysis of the project, it is worth determining which item is the most costly.

    The largest expense will be spent on such an item of a ready-made cafe business plan as raw materials (implies the purchase of food, drinks and various disposable materials - napkins, etc.).

    It is worth considering that in certain seasons the cost of certain products will fall. Also, as work progresses, purchases of raw materials will be commensurate with their consumption.

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The catering business is one of the most in-demand businesses around the world. Today, for many, it has become quite natural to visit a cafe at lunchtime and hold a business meeting there or just relax with a cup of coffee. In this issue we will analyze the business plan of a small cafe, and at the end of the material we will show a “financial striptease” with numbers.

When registering your cafe, you can go two ways - or LLC. Each of these paths has both pros and cons. For example, using an individual entrepreneur, you will not have the right to sell strong alcoholic beverages. Permission to sell them can only be obtained when registering an LLC.

But opening an individual entrepreneur is much easier, which is what captivates many people. You can cheat a little and go the other way - register the cafe itself as an individual entrepreneur, but the bar in the form of an LLC. This scheme is quite justified if you plan to have one small or medium-sized cafe. But if you are planning to create a whole chain of cafes, LLC will certainly be more promising in this regard.

The main list of documents that will be required to open a cafe:

    Premises rental agreement (it is better to conclude several months in advance);

    State registration of a new enterprise;

    Permit issued by the fire department;

    Permission from the sanitary-epidemiological service;

    Medical examination certificates for all employees;

    Retail license (if required), alcohol sales permit (if required);

    Documents confirming the premises’ compliance with all sanitary standards;

    Permission from the Consumer Supervision Service (if required) - in some cases it is necessary to coordinate the recipes of dishes with this service.

Do not be intimidated by the above list of documents for a cafe, this is a standard list of documentation thatnot very difficult to get.

The entire list of required documents must be clarified individually for a specific region or even district.

Selecting a location

One of the most important success factors for a cafe will be the right location. Depending on the selected segment, the area where it would be best to open such an establishment will depend. For example, if this is a children's cafe, then it should be located next to children's recreation parks. If this is a student cafe, then the best option would be to open it near campuses or educational institutions (institutes, etc.).

If there is no cafe theme as such, you can try the city center (this option is suitable for any concept). Shopping centers may also be suitable, but if this is an evening cafe or you plan to work late, this option may not be suitable, since such centers often close at a certain time (you can try to resolve this issue individually with the owner of such a center).

It will be a big plus if the cafe has its own parking lot and convenient transport access to it.

The legislation established that any public catering establishment must include several types of premises. In addition to the main hall, there should also be storage and utility rooms. They should be as close to each other as possible to ensure rapid movement of personnel.

In addition, all premises must comply with sanitary standards. For example, food waste should not come into contact with prepared dishes. The kitchen and storage areas should not be “pass-through”. That is, the waiter does not have to go through the warehouse in order to deliver the finished dish to the visitor. It is worthwhile to immediately include all these points in the ready-made business plan for the cafe, so that you do not have to do redevelopment and other unnecessary steps.

Proper planning will help to avoid such problems that will certainly arise during the first inspection.

Menu development

Here a lot will depend on the pre-selected format of the cafe. If you decide on the national cuisine of any country, then dishes from this country should prevail on the menu. In the CIS countries, the most popular are (Italian, Japanese and French cuisine). But with exotic products, everything is much more complicated, here, depending on your luck, either clients and their friends will flock to you, or, on the contrary, they will prefer to give their preference to familiar food and go to another cafe, where the choice of food familiar to them is much larger (which is most often passes). Therefore, it is worth including 1-2 exotic dishes on the menu from time to time and looking at the results.

Whatever kitchen you choose, the choice of dishes should be wide (but not too wide); it has been scientifically proven that it is much more difficult for a person to choose something (if he sees a huge choice in front of him).

What else should the menu include:

    meat dishes;

    first meal;

Of course, if this does not contradict the cafe format.

The menu should be small so that it is easy to scroll through. And if there is a photo of dishes on the menu, you should make sure that the client receives the same thing that was shown in the picture.

additional service

An excellent additional service will be the ability to order dishes to go (to-go). In many cafes in the West, this additional service is very popular and brings good dividends. Some even arrange for ready-made meals to be delivered to your home.


Recruitment is a very important point. All employees who deal directly with customers must be polite and be able to communicate with visitors. In many ways, the visitor's opinion about the cafe will depend on the person who will serve them. But that doesn't mean other team members have to be inexperienced. All this is taken into account in the example of a business plan for a cafe at the end of the article.

For an average cafe (30-40 seats) it is enough to have the following people available.


    chef - 1 employee;

    cooks - 2 employees;

    waiter - 4 employees;

    administrator - 1 employee;

    Dishwasher - 1 employee;

    room cleaner - 1 employee.

Out of state:

    security guard - 1 employee;

    accountant - 1 employee;

    plumber - 1 employee;

    electrician - 1 employee;

    auxiliary worker - 1 employee.

All your employees must have a medical record (registration for 1 person, today costs about 2,500 rubles, it needs to be done again in a year). Freelance employees should also have this book.

It is also worth considering that for each employee you will have to pay tax to the pension fund and the Social Insurance Fund.

The good news is that the number of cafes per capita in Russia is tens of times less than in Europe. This means that this segment has not yet been filled (and anyone with a clear idea and a competent business plan) can easily compete even with large brands. Again, if measured by Western standards, competition in the Russian market is not great. Today, by hiring just a good chef and polite staff, you can overtake many competitors.

Of course, this does not mean that you should mindlessly run to open a cafe. First you need to carefully weigh everything and get to know your competitors by sight. Direct competitors of cafes will be catering establishments and other shops or shops where you can have a snack and socialize.

In order to overtake your competitors, you need to answer the following questions for yourself:

    What are the weak points and shortcomings of competitors?

    What can I offer that my competitors don’t offer?

Having received answers to these questions, you will see the market picture completely differently. And you will just need to provide a better service than your competitors (prices should be lower or the same, food tastier, staff more polite, furniture softer, etc.). After that, all that remains is to finish it off with a good advertising campaign. How to open a highly profitable cafe? Make a competent business plan!

It is very important to really understand your strengths. If there is a really strong competitor in the area, it makes sense to consider opening in another area. But if this is a fishing place and you are confident in your financial strength, you can try to compete.


    disposable (how correctly this type is used at the starting stage);

As a rule, all advertising campaigns are based on the principle of promotions (buy 2 cappuccinos and get the 3rd as a gift), etc. The format of direct promotions should depend on the main audience of the cafe. For example, if a cafe specializes in selling coffee, then office workers could become potential clients. They should be the main focus. Free delivery of coffee to any office throughout the city in this case can be a good advertising move.

  • advertising sheets (distribution near cafes, in offices, and other public places);
  • big board (place in a public place, near a cafe);
  • advertising on park benches (a rarely used advertising method in our country);
  • advertising on buses (also a rather interesting type of advertising, the main advantage is that a lot of people will see such advertising, and this type of advertising will always be in sight).

Financial plan

This is what we gotsample business plan for a cafe, It will be quite problematic to name the exact amount. So the final figure will depend on a number of factors that you can influence. For example, you decide to have a staff of onlyfromseveraltheirperson and do not buy new equipment or furniture. As a result, thanks to these 3 changes, you can save up to 50%the amounts given below.

I bring to your attention a detailed business plan for a cafe. An example with calculations will help you determine the data for opening a cafe.


The essence of the project: organization of cafes - catering establishments with a pleasant and cozy atmosphere, a place for everyday relaxation, breakfasts and lunch breaks during the working day, dinners, festive banquets, celebrations, and significant dates, designed for the consumer class with an average and low income, offering its visitors dishes of European and Russian national cuisine and a wide selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, located in the administrative and business district of the city. The method of customer service is self-service.

Model: a room of up to 150 m², divided into 3 zones, equipped with a bar counter, designed for 15 tables, 5 tables in each zone; kitchen; toilets.

Organizational and legal form: limited liability company (necessary for the possibility of trading alcoholic beverages).

Type of taxation: UTII

Schedule: from 9.00 to 21.00 - weekdays, from 11.00 to 24.00 - on weekends. When holding mass events, working hours are negotiated with customers.

The target audience: people with low and middle incomes, from 18 to 60 years old, office workers.

Capital investments: 2,800,000 rubles. It is planned to attract credit funds in the amount of 3 million rubles for a period of 5 years at 20% per annum.

Average monthly revenue: 2,160,000 rubles

Net profit: 360,000 rubles

Payback: 8 months

Project start date: __ _____ 201_.

The degree of success of the project to open a cafe is assessed as medium-high, however, the final assessment highly depends on the location and the presence of potential competitors in the establishment’s area of ​​operation.

The project implementation strategy used is applicable to any region of the Russian Federation.

2. General provisions

2.1. Objective of the project

Making a profit through the provision of catering services - the sale of home-cooked dishes and purchased products; organizing and holding wedding celebrations, birthdays, anniversaries, graduation parties, corporate events, funeral dinners; trade in take-away dishes.

2.2. Registration, required permits and licenses

  • Certificate of registration of a legal entity
  • Permission to organize a catering establishment in this premises
  • Technical report for the premises, including: BTI plan, explication of the cafe premises, drawing of engineering and communication networks, architectural plan of the premises.
  • Certificate of acceptance of GPN
  • Permission for the production and sale of public catering products
  • License to sell alcohol
  • Cafe sign registration
  • Documents on registration of cash register equipment
  • Agreement for security of the cafe premises with private security (required to obtain a license to sell alcohol)
  • Certificate of commissioning/commissioning of security and fire alarm systems

In case of changes in the layout of the premises and changes in the facade of the building, reconstruction projects are drawn up, all changes are reflected in the documents and are agreed upon by Rospotrebnadzor, DEZ, the prefecture, the fire inspectorate, and the urban architecture service.

OKVED codes to carry out activities:

  • 52.25 – “Retail trade of alcoholic beverages”;
  • 52.63 – “Retail trade outside the store”;
  • 55.30 – “Activities of cafes and restaurants.”

Before starting activities, it is necessary to notify Rospotrebnadzor and the local consumer market committee about this.

2.3. Location

The location of the cafe should be determined according to the following criteria:

  • The first or second line of houses, the presence of good pedestrian approaches to the cafe building.
  • Distance from other fast food outlets.
  • Proximity to office buildings, manufacturing companies, and (if possible) residential buildings.
  • Availability of parking and good access roads for vehicles.
  • A separate building (a necessary criterion for the sale of alcoholic beverages).
  • Availability of sufficiently allocated electrical power, water supply, sewerage, ventilation, heating.
  • Condition of the premises (whether major repairs are required).
  • The presence of one or more spare entrances.
  • The presence of a warehouse and the possibility of unhindered access to it by vehicles.

Of course, it is impossible to meet all of the specified criteria, but if possible, you need to get closer to the greatest number of them. You definitely need to find out what was previously in this building. It is possible that the premises may obviously have a bad reputation among people.

3. Production plan

3.1. Personnel plan

Management personnel

Cafe manager, responsible for the work of all staff, solving organizational and personnel issues, determining the menu and work schedule taking into account attendance - 1 person

Accountant – 1 person (part-time employment possible)

Staff in the hall

Bartender – 1 person

Cashier – 2 people

Distribution workers – 2 people

Cleaning lady – 2 people

Kitchen staff

Cook - 2 people in 2 shifts. Each cook is responsible for one or another type of dish.

Dishwasher – 2 people

The work of cashiers, distribution workers, and cooks is carried out in 2 shifts according to the “every other day” scheme.

Personnel selection is carried out taking into account the following requirements:

  • At least 1 year of experience in catering establishments
  • active life position
  • conscientiousness, discipline, honesty

The form of remuneration is fixed, with the payment of bonuses for the preparation and conduct of various events, for fulfilling and exceeding the sales plan, increasing the average purchase price - in order to stimulate staff motivation.

3.2. Furniture, equipment and inventory

Furniture and equipment in the hall(based on room area up to 150 m²):

tables: 15 pcs.

chairs: 24 pcs. + 4 spares

sofas: 9 pcs.

corner sofas: 9 pcs.

bar counter: 1 pc.

bar stools: 6 pcs.

rack for drinks in the bar: 1 pc.

paintings on the walls: 12 pcs.

mirrors: 3 pcs. in each zone

plasma panels: 6 pcs., 2 in each zone

hanger stands next to tables: 15 pcs.

wall lamps to give the environment a more cozy, homely atmosphere: the quantity is calculated based on the length, width and height of one work area and the presence of ceiling lighting. Based on the total S - 150 m² (including a kitchen, 2 toilets), with a ceiling height of 3 m, the number of lamps - 25 pcs., with W - 150 W.

3.3. Kitchen tools and equipment

Electric stove – 2 pcs.

Combi steamer – 1 pc.

Oven – 1 pc.

Grill cabinet – 1 pc.

Microwave oven – 1 pc.

Pancake machine – 1 pc.

Food warmer – 1 pc.

Cutting table – 2 pcs.

Coffee machine – 1 pc.

Deep fryer – 1 pc.

Electric kettle – 2 pcs.

Vegetable cutter – 1 pc.

Knives – 4 sets

Cutting boards – 4 sets

Mixer – 1 pc.

Slicer – 1 pc.

Meat grinder – 1 pc.

Electronic scales – 1 pc.

Hood – 1 pc.

Water heater – 1 pc.

Refrigerator – 1 pc.

Dishwasher – 1 pc.

Sinks – 2 pcs.

Boxes for storing vegetables and fruits

3.4. Non-production base

Food trays – 60 pcs.

Dishes - based on: maximum number of seats + 10% for battle and loss



Dryers for the toilet – 4 pcs.

Computer – 1 pc.

MFP – 1 pc.

Washing machine for washing staff uniforms – 1 pc.

3.5. Bar equipment

Coffee machine – 1 pc.

Coffee maker – 1 pc.

Electric kettle – 1 pc.

Blender – 1 pc.

Juicer – 1 pc.

Mixer – 1 pc.

Ice generator – 1 pc.

Refrigerated display case – 1 pc.

Freezer – 1 pc.

Bar processor – 1 pc.

Salad bar – 1 pc.

Toaster – 1 pc.

Ice crusher – 1 pc.

Barware - for 20 people.

3.6. Space design

The area of ​​the premises is from 140 to 150 m², based on the requirements to provide 1.6 m² per visitor (maximum number of visitors - 60 people). The hall is divided into 3 zones by portable partitions with a passage width of at least 1.2 m to create a more comfortable, confidential atmosphere. The bar occupies 6 m². 2 toilets – 10 m². The remaining area consists of the kitchen and storage area.

Approximate floor plan

3.7. Supply of products and raw materials

To ensure an uninterrupted supply of necessary products, it is planned to conclude agreements with regional farms (on delivery terms) that have certified products; wholesale warehouses; bakeries and confectionery shops.

4. Financial plan

The costs of organizing a cafe will be divided into one-time and periodic.

4.1. One-time costs

  • Registration and paperwork
  • Necessary repairs and changes in room design
  • Purchasing furniture
  • Equipment purchase

4.2. Recurring costs

  • Rent, utility costs
  • Wage
  • Tax deductions
  • Contributions to extra-budgetary funds
  • Purchasing Products
  • Purchasing consumables
  • Advertising expenses

4.3. Planned volume of visits

It is planned that the daily number of visitors to the cafe will be 280 people per day. The approximate workload for the cafe's opening hours will look like this:

visiting timesnumber of people per houraverage bill
9.00-12.00 10 150
12.00-14.00 40 250
14.00-18.00 20 200
18.00-21.00 30 350

It is planned to hold public events in the cafe at least 5 times a month for an average amount of 100,000 rubles.

4.4. Project payback period

Taking into account the monthly costs, which will be estimated at a total of 1,800,000 rubles, the break-even point (TB) can be considered the time when the profit begins to amount to at least 2,150,000 rubles per month. This value can be determined by the following calculation:

The payback period (PA) is determined by the formula:

CO = One-time costs / monthly profit

Monthly profit (MP) is calculated using the formula:

MU = monthly income (MU) – monthly expense;

ED = daily income * 30 days.


Daily income = 72,000 rubles

ED = 72,000 * 30 days = 2,160,000 rubles

EP = 2,160,000 – 1,800,000 = 360,000 rubles

CO = 2,800,000 ( one-time costs) / 360 000 (monthly profit) = 8 months

The size of the average check is a seasonal value, since in the warm season the order of cold appetizers and soft drinks increases, in winter visitors prefer hot dishes, and the consumption of meat and fish increases.

5. Market analysis, marketing strategy

5.1. Industry Analysis

There is huge competition in the catering industry these days. The share of cafes prevails in the total number of such establishments, which can be seen in the infogram below. Therefore, when choosing the location of an establishment, one of the most important factors is the presence/absence of other similar establishments within walking distance (up to 500-700 m).

5.2. Competitive Analysis

It is necessary to study the number, condition of the premises and methods of promoting competing cafes, their menus, and identify strengths and weaknesses. Restaurants can also be considered as such; fast food outlets; kiosks selling baked goods.

5.3. Marketing strategy

First of all, the visitor pays attention to the external design of the cafe, its name, and then to the atmosphere inside the establishment. It is assumed that the cafe should attract visitors with inexpensive prices; quiet, calm environment; quality of prepared dishes; attentiveness of the staff; fast service, free Wi-Fi network for Internet access.

It is also planned to hold events such as:

  • Free coffee or tea for breakfast when ordering over 200 rubles.
  • 20% discount on order value upon presentation of 3 receipts for previous service.
  • Free box of champagne upon receipt of an order for a gala event in the amount of over 120 thousand rubles.

Various musical groups will be invited from time to time to host evenings.

In the evening, guests will be offered a “dish designer” service, where everyone can create a dish for themselves from a choice of ingredients.

5.4. Risk analysis

The final performance indicators of the project may be influenced by the following factors:

  • Incorrectly chosen concept of the establishment. Eliminated by conducting sociological surveys of visitors with the possibility of making proposals for the work of the cafe; analysis of the target audience and quick adaptation to a different style.
  • Lack of reputation of the establishment. It is developed by implementing the right marketing strategy.
  • Fewer number of visitors compared to planned. It can be eliminated by expanding the marketing strategy and increasing the range of products offered.
  • Increased costs compared to planned. It can be eliminated by maintaining strict control over expenses and keeping strict records of the receipt/expense of products. It is also possible to use semi-finished products while simultaneously reducing the number of cooks.
  • Poor service and quality of food. Eliminated through careful selection of candidates for the cafe staff; control of the work of all personnel; control over the quality of products and their expiration dates.
  • Unstable political and economic situation in the country. It is reduced by concluding long-term contracts with domestic product manufacturers.
  • Increase in taxes for small and medium-sized businesses. Not expected in the near future.

6. Project efficiency

A financial and economic analysis of the project to organize a cafe allows us to conclude that this business plan can be implemented with a high level of efficiency. Currently, there is a favorable general background of threats to business, which began to level off after the introduction of economic sanctions against Russia.

Demand for catering services is consistently high, and food price fluctuations have decreased to within acceptable limits. If the cafe satisfies the qualitative and emotional needs of customers, quantitative risk factors are significantly reduced. This allows you to count on constant visits to the cafe by the target audience, increasing profits as the establishment develops and expands the range of dishes offered.

Every third entrepreneur dreams of opening his own cafe. And this is not surprising, since owning a cafe is a very interesting and profitable business.

Dozens of new offices appear every month, huge ones are built, and retail spaces are rented out. Office workers need to solve their nutrition problem every day. Organizing a cafe is a profitable and promising type of business. And having a business plan for opening a cafe in hand, it immediately becomes clear what and how to do.

A cafe is a place for meeting friends, for negotiations and romantic dates. More and more consumers are willing to pay for this service. That is why new cafes, coffee shops, pizzerias and restaurants are springing up at every step like mushrooms after rain.

Before opening an establishment, you need to have an idea of ​​how to draw up a business plan for a cafe.

Type of establishment and its location

Let's start with the most important thing - let's decide on the market segment. You can open a cafe:

  • elite type;
  • cafe for the middle class;
  • evening cafe, etc.

You can purchase an extended cafe business plan for only 490 rubles. Find out more

Analyzing competitors and working on mistakes

A business plan for opening a cafe involves a detailed description of the market for similar establishments in a given locality; the level of competition should be established, errors and the slightest shortcomings of competitors should be identified in order to prevent them from occurring in your business.

When you have thought through all the nuances of the location of the establishment, you can move on to the description of the enterprise. Consider what the capacity of the hall will be, what operating hours of the establishment will be optimal, for example, from 8.00 to 00.00, or from 10.00 to 02.00.

Think about the main service of your cafe, what kind of cuisine you will offer:

  • national;
  • European;
  • eastern;
  • or it could be a mixed type kitchen.

We buy premises, build them or rent them

The premises can be rented, purchased or built. It all depends on the availability of funds, desire and time available to the businessman. It is worth considering that the area of ​​the cafe must be consistent with the requirements of legislation at the local level. For example, you can choose a cafe with 50 seats on an area of ​​280 square meters.

The name of the cafe should be memorable, the interior should be pleasant, and the cuisine should be delicious.

Name and interior - the general concept of the establishment

Carefully consider the design of your premises; this also determines whether the cafe will appeal to the audience. You may want to set up a themed establishment, cafe-bar, pizzeria (), sushi bar, coffee shop or children's cafe. It’s worth keeping abreast of events - check out the offers of competitors in your segment. This will allow you to choose a unique design of furniture, the room itself, and choose an unusual method of service.

Read also: Own parking lot: drawing up a business plan

It is desirable that the name of the establishment and its design somehow relate to each other. The interior should reflect the concept of the cafe.

It’s best to come up with your own “trick”, something that will make you recognizable in the market and attract potential clients.

Contact designers, florists, decorators, if you have enough funds for this. One secret - fresh flowers on tables will always attract the attention of visitors. Inexpensive and win-win trick!

Naturally, the interior design should correspond to the direction you have chosen, here are a few options:


The tables are arranged in rows; it is possible to combine an area with tables and a separate area with sofas. Waiter service. Prices are above average. This format is often used to organize coffee shops. The coffee shop's menu includes coffee, cocoa, hot chocolate, and a large selection of desserts.

"Russian format"

The menu includes alcoholic drinks, salads and main courses. The cafe resembles a restaurant with its wide range of dishes and strong drinks. The format is in demand and relevant.

"Fast food"

A business plan for a fast food cafe is a separate topic, because self-service saves enough money on staff. The cafe format involves “eating on the run”, the dishes are disposable (production of disposable tableware), food is prepared in the shortest possible time. In parking lots, train stations, and in the catering areas of supermarkets, this cafe format is in wide demand.

Equipment installation

As soon as you decide on the thematic and general focus of your establishment, you can begin installing production equipment and its installation. Developing a cafe business plan involves covering all the details in detail.

For a regular cafe you will need:

  • slabs;
  • grill;
  • frying and cooking cabinets;
  • sinks;
  • refrigerators;
  • dishes;
  • production tables;
  • tables for visitors;
  • chairs, etc.

Equipment for cooking should be of high quality and convenient; it is best to give preference to an imported manufacturer.

We select qualified personnel

When all of the above points have been implemented, you need to start searching for personnel. Interchangeability is the most important factor when selecting and hiring cafe staff. It is risky to hire only one or two experienced waiters, and other workers with absolutely no qualifications. If you expect to work in two shifts, for an average cafe you will need 2-4 cooks, 2 administrators, 6-8 waiters, 2 bartenders, 2-4 support workers.

The key to the prosperity of any cafe is the professionalism, culture and qualifications of the establishment’s staff. You can contact a professional agency that will help you find qualified employees or do the search yourself.

It all depends on your availability of time and funds. Drawing up a business plan involves discussing employee salaries. You should prepare for the fact that you will have to pay salaries monthly, as well as make contributions to the social fund. These expense items will become permanent.

Pay attention to the taxation system; if you choose correctly, these expenses will reduce the overall tax base.

We are working on the menu in detail

The next point in the business plan for organizing a cafe is a detailed elaboration of the menu. Visitors to your establishment should have a fairly wide choice. Each of your clients should have the opportunity to choose a dish to their liking. The menu should be varied, ideally it should include first and second courses, dishes of national, European and oriental cuisine, etc.

In order for the cafe you opened to not work at a disadvantage, you need to draw up a business plan for the cafe with calculations at the stage of thinking through the business. Having a financial and marketing plan will allow you to more clearly understand all expenses, see the pitfalls, and also having a plan will make you more competitive.

Description of the business plan - what should be in it?

When describing the plan, it is necessary to indicate the following:

  • The type of cafe being opened, its location.
  • Area of ​​the future premises, number of seats.
  • List of equipment and machinery required for work.
  • Features of hiring personnel - what specialists you will need.

It is important to note that if the work will be carried out in one shift, then you need to hire at least one administrator, cook, and waiter. If the schedule is shifting, the number of personnel doubles.

Some people submit their business plan to grant companies. In this case, it must include the relevance of such a business, what benefits it can bring to the population, financial indicators, and the possibility of opening new jobs. When drawing up a plan for investors, be sure to clearly outline all expenses and income, profitability, and payback periods.

We analyze the market before opening a cafe

A mandatory step before opening any business is to analyze the market and competitors, which will allow you to determine what type of business will be most in demand in a given region. When making calculations, be sure to take into account the following:

  • Number of inhabitants.
  • Their income level.
  • Location of educational institutions, offices, etc.
  • Demand for services.

Thanks to such an analysis, you will be able to determine an approximate pricing policy, the type of cafe, and develop a menu that will be in demand. The next step is competitor analysis. It is important that your cafe has some kind of “zest” that would make it different from other catering places in the area.

Today it is very popular and profitable to open such types of establishments as:

  • Internet cafe.
  • Children's Cafe.
  • Sushi bars.
  • Anti-cafe (where people pay for their time).

The profit of your establishment will largely depend on the location you choose, so try to rent or buy premises in densely populated areas.

This is why many establishments will not use millet in small towns, for example, anti-cafes or internet cafes.

It is important that there are parking lots, a train station, stops nearby, good access, shopping centers - any places where there are always a lot of people. For example, when opening a children's cafe, it is worth considering that it is best to locate it near children's amusement parks; if you are going to open a cafe for a youth audience, make sure that there are institutes, shopping and entertainment centers, etc. nearby.

While the client is waiting for his order to be prepared, you can offer him salads and light snacks, which are prepared within 5-10 minutes. You can diversify the offered menu with light Italian desserts. Don't forget about drinks - there should be a lot of them on the menu.

These include hot (tea, coffee) and cold (juices, mineral water, etc.). Depending on the type of kitchen, you can add some flair. For example, if this is an “Italian” cafe, you can offer customers the opportunity to make their own ingredients for pizza or pie, the same applies to American cuisine - you can add various ingredients to hamburgers, etc.

Be sure to include a variety of fruits, meats, cheeses, pickled foods, different types of breads, sauces, etc. on the menu so that the client has a wide choice of dishes.

How to register your business and what documents are needed?

To start registering, you first need to understand in which room the cafe will be located - not only the area, but also the location matters here. If you open an establishment in a separate building, you will need to prepare more documents than when renting a separate room in a shopping center - where the owners already have documents from the SES, confirmations from fire services, approved documents from architects. All you need to do is simply draw up a lease agreement, register your business activity and notify the district leadership.

One of the most convenient and fastest options is to open an LLC and work under the simplified tax system, paying only 6% of the cafe’s income. If you don’t like inflated rents, don’t rush to give up your idea, because the main advantage of shopping centers is the huge flow of people, and they are your potential clients; you also don’t need to spend a lot of money on advertising, which will allow you to save money when carrying out marketing activities.

You can give a small calculation: for example, you rented a room with an area of ​​60 square meters to open a cafe, the monthly rent is about 130 thousand rubles. The attendance of the establishment on weekdays is about 50 people, on weekends – up to 90-100. Eventually. Then there will be at least 1,700 clients per month. With an average cost of a check of 500 rubles and in the case of a markup of about 300%, monthly revenue will be at least 900 thousand rubles.

We develop a financial business plan wisely

The minimum starting investment when opening your own cafe will be 1.8 million rubles, which already includes all organizational and marketing expenses.

The most expensive item of expenditure is the purchase of all the necessary equipment, but you should not save on it, since the quality of the food served in the cafe depends on the quality of the equipment and the speed of its operation.

Don’t forget not only about stoves, refrigerators, cooking equipment, but also about such small but important equipment as vegetable cutters, cheese slicers, knives, coffee makers, etc.

We develop a marketing plan according to all the rules

In a city with a population of about 500 thousand people, competition in the catering industry is very high. That is why your advertising campaign should be interesting, truly attractive to future clients. When planning marketing activities, be sure to consider:

  • The age of your clients (students, office workers, young people, etc.).
  • Possibility of carrying out advertising campaigns in shopping centers.
  • Pay attention to social networks to attract new customers.

Before opening a cafe, you can distribute leaflets, launch a project on social networks (open a channel on Instagram, open a group on VKontakte), launch outdoor advertising, banners, hold a presentation in a shopping center, talking about prices, menus, and conduct a tasting.

On the opening day, he can also invite everyone to a tasting, offer the first customers a discount, and be sure to hang banners and advertising banners a couple of days before the opening. In the future, you just need to analyze advertising activities, abandoning those that do not bring you new customers.

But it is worth remembering that the success of any cafe depends not on the quality of advertising campaigns, but on the taste of the dishes, the speed and quality of service, and comfort. Therefore, be sure to work out ways to improve relationships with clients - in this case, they will pass on information about your establishment to their acquaintances and friends, and word of mouth will begin to operate.

Instructions for opening a cafe - step by step

An important point when opening your own cafe is resolving all legal issues. The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Registration with the tax authorities as an LLC or individual entrepreneur.
  2. Registration of cash register equipment.
  3. Notification to the pension fund.
  4. Definition of the taxation system.
  5. Drawing up a lease or purchase and sale agreement.
  6. Obtaining all permitting documentation.

An important point - when choosing whether to open a cafe as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, focus on whether you will sell alcoholic products, since in Russia only legal entities can carry out such activities.

When choosing a room for a cafe, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. Rent price.
  2. Layout, condition of the premises.
  3. Number of inputs.
  4. Availability of public transport stops nearby, convenient access for cars.

The design of the cafe is also important, which must fully correspond to its name and type. It is better to entrust the design development to specialists in this field. It’s better not to skimp on design - if everything is done correctly and wisely, the costs will quickly pay off. As we have already said, you should not skimp on the equipment itself that is required for preparing dishes. The “classic set” of equipment is:

  1. Stoves – gas or electric.
  2. Refrigerators, freezers.
  3. Kitchen appliances.
  4. Dishes.
  5. This should also include furniture for guests, plumbing fixtures, and other interior items.

Approach responsibly when choosing staff - it is better to hire professionals right away, because unqualified and slow cooks or waiters will quickly lead to a decrease in the flow of visitors.

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